• January


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Keeping Parking Lots Clean & Safe

Keeping Parking Lots Clean & Safe

Street and parking lot sweeping, one of the more underrated practices that goes on in a city or urban area. Most people will pride themselves on their business or residential area based upon the appearance of their building. However a first impression expands to the complete package of the property upkeep as well. Having a clean parking lot and roadway is essential for a positive reputation and appearance.

When someone views a nice restaurant and is considering whether they want to dine at that location, one might second guess their decision if they see an untidy, trash and debris infested parking lot resting outside the building. For a solid first-impression on those viewing your location, maintaining the complete package is vital.

Street Sweeping: Not Just Aesthetics, But Safety

As street and parking lot sweeping is key for an aesthetic appearance, it’s also reliable in preventing damages and potential hazards. For instance slip-and-falls that could result in massive legal fees, or the clogging of storm drains during the harsh seasons, which could result in minor flooding, making accidents more prone to happen. With street sweeping being defined as a Best Management Practice (BMP) by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), denying the credibility and usefulness of regular maintenance via street sweeping is hard to do.


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